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| The Devilīs Backbone. This is where the mountain road from Mazatlán to Durango passes a ridge, very steep on both sides. It wasnīt as scary as I expected though.
| Look at this beautiful girl. So young and yet already seriously doing her part of the housekeeping. She was shy. It took a few giggles and hiding behind the corner before she dared to talk to me.
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The hotelīs boiler. This is where my hot shower was being made. Or at least the thing tried.
| Other kinds of cacti here.
| These are Carlos and José Luis, biker twins. I met them west of Durango. It was Sunday and there were lots of motorcyclists on the road. They all greeted me.
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Het is wel grappig om overal op straat de naam van je land tegen te komen. Maar waarom heet Ola ijs in Mexico nou Holanda?
| Benito Juarez is de grootste held van Mexico, tot twee keer toe president geweest. Hij zegt, vrij vertaald "De enige weg naar respect voor de mensenrechten is de vrede." Je zult dan ook geen enkele Mexicaan tegenkomen die de oorlog in Irak steunde.
| Zo gaat dat dus. Om acht uur 's ochtends op weg in Durango.
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