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Super Soaker 3 - The Revelation
Submitted by gaele on Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 13:45english

So this is how it feels to wear a gun. Not a real gun of course, but it's close enough. It gives you peace of mind. "Nobody fuck with me or I'll Supersoak yo' ass!" Haha.

So far I've only used it twice. I told you it was going to be fun. Yahooo! You have to aim between the eyes, that's what irritates them the most. The effect is amazing. The dog suddenly halts, and - even better - it shuts up too!

One particular dog should be lucky I shot him. While I was going faster and faster downhill it tried to bite my front wheel. If I hadn't shot him it certainly would have been decapitated by my kevlar reinforced tires.

Still, I've only used it twice. Because I noticed something else. Most dogs just try to scare you. They don't bite. It takes a twist of mind - enabled by the gun - to get used to this idea. But really, once you are convinced that that barking dog with its bloodthirsty jaws running towards you at full speed is just bluffing, you'll ride a lot more relaxed. Just let the poser do his show.

And if not, oh well, there's always

- DA GUN -



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