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The four of us
Submitted by gaele on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 12:50Costa Rica · english

Wow! Shocking things happening lately around me and my little band. We were visiting "Las Pumas", an animal rescue center in northern Costa Rica, where they take care for wildlife in danger. Miss Mumu and I were looking at an orphaned spider monkey in a cage, when the little cow suddenly whispered in my ear. She said "Hey Gaele, let's take him with us!" Naturally I hesitated. A monkey on my bike? She insisted "Let's do it!"

So I asked the owner. He said "Well..., I don't know." And then "Will you look after him well?" I pointed at Miss Mumu and said "Look at this little cow. I've taken her with me all the way from LA on my Condor, traveled for ten months, and just look at how healthy she is." Miss Mumu gave him one of that looks of her that makes your heart melt. He sighed, and said "Well, allright then." Miss Mumu yelled out loud and jumped high up in the air like it was springtime. I felt a sudden feeling that this might not be such a bad idea after all. And the monkey still hardly knew what was happening to him.

So, I am happy and proud to introduce you all to

Mr. Mono, aka Joe.

He's been with us now for a few days and he seems to be enjoying himself pretty well. Actually a bit too much, if you ask me, as he is quite a wild monkey. Asking "guess who I am?" while putting your hands over my eyes could be a lot of fun, if only we were not riding on the Panamerican Highway. So I still have to teach him some manners.

Miss Mumu meanwhile is being livelier than ever. Lately, like me, she'd grown a bit sore and strained from all the traveling. But now she can't stop singing and chatting with Mr. Mono in the back. Can you imagine with me in between? If I didn't knew better I would swear there is something going on between them.


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